State Pollution Control Board, Odisha in collaboration with Central Pollution Control Board is executing National Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NWMP) at 98 locations in the State. Out of which 64 locations are river 3 are canal, 2 are lake, pond 6, sea 3, STP/wastewater are 3 (monthly) and groundwater 15 (half yearly). During 2017, additional 110 monitoring stations were sanctioned by CPCB.
Map showing River Basins in Odisha
Surface Water Body | No. of Monitoring Stations |
Mahanadi River System ( Map-1, Map-2 ) | 55 |
Brahmani River System | 41 |
Baitarani River System | 14 |
Rushikulya River System | 6 |
Nagavali River System | 3 |
Subernarekha River System | 1 |
Budhabalanga River System | 4 |
Kolab River System | 1 |
Vansadhara River System | 2 |
Indravati River System | 1 |
Bahuda River System | 1 |
Canal | 9 |
Lake | 7 |
Creek | 1 |
Pond | 8 |
Sea | 3 |
Groundwater | 48 |
STP / Wastewater | 3 |
208 |